This is beautiful, I love this. It can be difficult being on the outside of the institutional church to answer a question about if we go to church. "Yes, I am a Christian--I love Jesus!" so simple and pure. It reminds me of my favourite way to evangelise the lost when they say they don't believe in God. I ask them, "tell me about this God you don't believe in," and many times I find I don't believe in that god either and tell them so. It produces such a shock to the system that they want to hear about what God is actually like and leads to a long fruitful conversation.

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Thankyou for your thoughtful response! A great point about asking people to share more detail, as you say, often this image of God is quite distorted compared to the biblical revelation of God's character.

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I love your idea that it doesn't have to be complicated. Making it personal means it's harder for others to ignore. Thank you :)

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It is definitely harder to ignore personal experience!

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This was encouraging! The Holy Spirit will help us say what needs to be said.

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Indeed, and I am so thankful for that!

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Excellent post! Thanks for sharing this!

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